020 7580 4224
72 Harley Street, London W1G 7HG
info@psychiatrycentre.co.uk | | | | |

rTMS Clinic

rTMS Clinic at The London Psychiatry Centre

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a ground-breaking depression treatment for adult patients who are living with clinical depression. rTMS treatment is an effective, drug-free solution for those whom antidepressant medications and traditional therapies have been unable to provide satisfactory relief.

Two separate studies show our remission rate at 66% and 61%. This is double that of providers using dTMS and three times higher than the UK rTMS platinum standard where neuronavigation was used.

Video: rTMS – A New Treatment For Depression

rTMS can help if you are living with depression, anxiety, the symptoms of tinnitus or the chronic pain of fibromyalgia. This treatment offers a pain free, non-invasive and effective alternative to traditional treatments and therapies. If you are tired of the same treatment plan and not making the progress you would like, rTMS can help where other treatments have been unsuccessful.

The London Psychiatry Centre was the first clinic in the UK to offer Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS). As such, we have treated the highest number of patients and are the most experienced clinic in rTMS treatment in the UK. On par with the famous Mayo Clinic (Baltimore), John Hopkins (Rochester), and Harvard’s McLean Hospital (Belmont) in the US, The London Psychiatry Centre is a world leader pioneering this highly effective and safe intervention to help overcome treatment resistant depression.


At The London Psychiatry Centre, 59% of women and 62% of men who have been treated for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) with rTMS have recovered.

rTMS treatment recovery rates

The above chart shows results for a sample of 252 patients from an audit conducted in July 2020.
The London Psychiatry Centre is regulated and approved by the Care Quality Commission.

“Gradually, my days grew brighter until I felt pretty much back to normal. By the end of the treatment, I reported to Dr Zamar that the only analogy I could offer for the effect of the treatment was one from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. In the film adaptation, King Theoden suffers under a spell: grey, wizened and confused, he cannot see or think clearly. Gandalf lifts the King from the curse after which clarity, health and vigor returns to his body, life and mind. That is what rTMS did for me.

“Since then I have managed the work stress without much difficulty, and have favourably resolved the situation. My only regret is not taking the treatment earlier – so much lost time.”

JC from London

As clinical specialist advisers to the Interventional Procedures Programme of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), The London Psychiatry Centre is proud to announce the approval of rTMS for the treatment of depression.

“Specialist advisers listed improvements in depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life as efficacy outcomes … commentary from patients was positive and described significant benefits to their quality of life.”

If you would like more information about rTMS or would like to speak to a member of our team about booking a consultation, please don’t hesitate to call us on 020 7580 4224.

The London Psychiatry Centre subscribes to the ISCAS Code.

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We are now CPD accredited

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