More than 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year. That’s one person every 40 seconds. In the UK alone, one person every 90 minutes dies from suicide. And for every one suicide, 25 other people make an attempt. Organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), World Suicide Prevention Day aims to raise awareness of the risks of suicide and spread knowledge of what you can do to help prevent suicide. ...
Are you worried about a friend or relative’s mental health? Do you think they may be showing signs of depression? Here, we a look at how to help someone with depression and how to spot the signs. Mental health can affect not only how we act in social situations, but how we deal with life stresses, relate to others, and the choices that we make. Being mentally well enables us to live our lives to the fullest, feel good about ourselves, make good life choices and have healthy and satisfying relationships with others, so you can see how important it is....
‘Fancy a drink after work?’ Go on, just the one… But how often is it three, four – or more? Have you ever stopped and considered: ‘Am I addicted to alcohol?’ In this article we look at the signs of alcohol addiction....
Growing evidence seems to agree that, yes, there are measures that can be taken to lower your risk of developing dementia. Even though more extensive and broader based studies are necessary to fill the gaps in knowledge, medical professionals agree that there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your brain as you age...
Bullying affects thousands of children in the UK each year. According to the NSPCC, there were over 24,000 Childline counselling sessions with children about bullying in 2016/17; however, far more cases go unreported. Research conducted by the National Centre for Social Research found that 47% of young people reported being bullied at the age of 141. Bullying can happen anywhere, and is classified as a behaviour that hurts another person....
With World Bipolar Day just around the corner on 30th March 2018, we take a look at the disorder and how it affects the sufferer. Suicide is the leading cause of death in bipolar sufferers. 25-60% of bipolar patients will consider suicide and around 19% will take their own life1. According to several studies, people with bipolar are 20-30 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population....
Psychological trauma is a normal reaction to a traumatic event. Whilst many consider this as physical trauma, like sexual abuse, domestic violence, natural disasters or illness, it can also occur from psychological trauma, like the death of a loved one, of witnessing something horrifying. Trauma can leave you feeling numb, isolated and unable to cope. Feeling unsafe or unable to trust people compounds the problem and can make it difficult for some to reach out. However, you are not alone...
As we approach Blue Monday, often said to be the most depressing day of the year, we want to talk about the very real issue of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or ‘SAD’. This is a type of depression experienced by “3-8% of the UK population”...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for dementia sufferers and their families, Christmas can bring all sorts of added stresses. For example: Lots more visual and audio stimulation around; lights, loud music and so on Extra people coming and going, the doorbell ringing and unfamiliar faces appearing Other family members or friends that might usually be around, being less available over Christmas, due to lots of festive work and social commitments Feeling ‘left out’ of the festivities because others are preoccupied and perhaps don’t understand that people with dementia can join in. In fact, research by the Alzheimer’s Society found that: ‘71% of people affected by dementia think a lack of understanding has caused people with dementia to be left out at Christmas....
If you or a loved one suffers with depression and you are hunting for answers, you may have heard of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS). Many people compare rTMS to Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), but in reality, these two treatments are very different...