Whilst a little stress can be a good thing – it can motivate us to do better – there are times when it can become too much and can impact on daily life, mental health, and emotional wellbeing. April marks stress awareness month here in the UK, so we thought we’d recognise the importance of stress management by providing you with practical tips for reducing stress. ...
Do I need therapy? People often mull over whether or not to seek help for a long time – sometimes until crisis point – before taking action. We take a look at how therapy can help and how to decide if it may be useful for you. ...
If you’re a parent or caregiver, you probably won’t be a stranger to temper tantrums and bad behaviour in children. Most young children will express themselves by crying, shouting or even throwing objects when they don’t get what they want. If you find that your child’s misbehaviour happens without cause, becomes unreasonably frequent or unsafe for them or other children or adults around them, including yourself, then you may need to consider that there is an underlying issue which is causing them to act out....
Depression can often make you feel disconnected and as if you are alone, but that’s often not the case. Here, we reveal 7 things psychiatrists want you to know about depression....
With 2020 hurtling towards us at lightning speed, this is usually the time of year many of us start to think about our new year's resolutions. Will 2020 be the year you prioritise your mental wellbeing? We take a look at ways to look after your mental health in 2020. ...
Is my child just badly behaved or does my child have ADHD? It’s usual for children to misbehave and be disruptive at times, but a child who is simply misbehaving can choose to be well behaved if they want to. A child with ADHD may want to behave but simply cannot help themselves....
850,000 people in the UK are currently living with dementia. Unfortunately, this condition, caused by Alzheimer’s Disease, is set to increase rapidly: It is estimated that over one million people will have dementia by 2025, and by 2050 this will double to two million. Alzheimer’s disease is a condition which tends to affect people later in life, however, more than 42,000 people under the age of 65 are living with dementia in the UK. If you’re a bit forgetful, there’s no need to panic – everyone forgets things from time to time. As we age, experiencing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is quite normal; it takes longer for the brain to recall information and becomes more difficult to retain information. If you’re having trouble recalling and remembering things, there is a chance it could be Alzheimers, but it’s also possible that there is an alternative reason behind your memory problems....
Drug misuse is a complex issue and affects people from all walks of life. But, no matter how bad things seem, with the right help and support, addiction can be overcome. We hear a personal account of drug addiction and recovery from Jelena, one of Dr Kouimtsidis’s patients. Jelena, has struggled with drug addiction for 20 years, since she was 15. Here, she recounts her struggle with addiction and how treatment with Dr Kouimtsidis at the clinic has changed her life. ...
Hey – yes, you! How are you coping today? Did you know that three quarters of us have felt so stressed we’ve felt overwhelmed or unable to cope? And it’s no wonder with the busy lives we lead; it’s not uncommon to be juggling work, relationships, family, friends, money, commitments, keeping a home running and more. Life brings with it stresses in many forms and intensities. There’s no doubt life can be challenging at times and we all experience this in one way or another. ...
We know exercise is great for the body – it makes the heart stronger, it helps improve your bones and joints, and also lowers your risk of certain illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. But how about using exercise for mental health? Exercise is a really effective tool for helping to improve mood and mental wellbeing. ...