If you are struggling with postnatal anxiety, you may feel completely alone. You may even be afraid to talk about it, for fear of being judged. But did you know that around 15% of postnatal women suffer anxiety? If you are dealing with postnatal anxiety, you are not alone and help is available. Read on for ways to combat postnatal anxiety. ...
Are your antidepressants not working, or even making your symptoms worse? Have you tried treatments for depression only to find them at best ineffective and at worst aggravating? If this is you, your situation is more common than you may think. In fact, research has shown that of people with moderate to severe depression symptoms, around half have experienced antidepressants not working. Thankfully though, science is getting to grips with why. Read on to find out more....
If you suspect your child may be autistic, you are no doubt wondering what to do. Autism in children and teenagers is much more widely recognised than in generations past but it is not always easy to obtain an assessment and autism diagnosis. Here, we explain: how can I obtain an autism evaluation near me? What is the biggest indicator of autism?...
You may have heard of the parasympathetic nervous system and its role in mental health problems. Increasingly, understanding the parasympathetic nervous system is known to be essential to good mental healthcare. But what is it, and as a patient can you do anything to help it function better?...
Children’s mental health is a sensitive subject, but one that many parents will have wondered about. Perhaps you’ve long wondered if something is wrong but haven’t been able to decipher if your child is just quiet or hot-headed, or is suffering from a mental health issue. So what are the signs of children’s mental health problems and how might you approach the issue?...
Did you know that childbirth can trigger trauma? It is often not discussed, but Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) stemming from birth trauma is more common than you might think – arising from an estimated 4% of births....
There’s an expectation that Christmas means perfect happiness. Concerned about mental health at Christmas? Discover how to cope this festive season....
We all know the ADHD stereotype – a young boy who can’t sit still or stay quiet, often misunderstood and frequently labelled ‘disruptive’ in school. For the longest time, ADHD talk, treatment and research has focused mainly on ADHD in children. But what about ADHD in adults? Find out if you are displaying any signs of ADHD, and discover coping strategies to help....
Could you have a very common yet seriously undiagnosed form of bipolar disorder? Is your depression not improving? A surprising number of people are suffering with what clinicians often call treatment-resistant depression – in which their mood and thinking just isn’t returning to normal. We explain more....
While we often hear that saying ‘yes’ can open doors to opportunities for progression, saying ‘no’ setting boundaries can actually be very beneficial to your wellbeing. This is one example of a boundary – a limit that you can put in place in order to protect your physical, emotional and mental health....